Website Revamp

Welcome to the all new! I believe this is our fifth iteration of the fansite?

Between reduced activity from Akina and the emergence of Facebook groups, we haven’t been updating this site much for a few years now. When “Fixer” was announced about a month ago, the countdown started. I can’t recall the last time a wait was this tormenting. I came up with different ideas to “spend” the month, hoping to occupy myself.

I would take out all her old albums and re-listen to them… one album each day… I mean REALLY listen to them like I am doing for the first time. I would stalk Twitter feeds to scour for any latest info on the upcoming release… and then I decided to redo this website altogether.

I checked the web stats a few days ago and was surprised we’re still getting many visitors from all over the world. Thank you!

I met up with a childhood friend who has moved to the United States last week. She was back for a short visit. We caught up. And just like most old friends who haven’t seen each other for donkey years, we talked about our “previous” lives – our school days, our teenage years, and then the subject of Akina came up. I realise amongst the few things that haven’t changed about me is my utter adoration for Akina. I’m so glad she’s still making new music to quence my thirst, my soul. Only she can do that – fill a musical void in my heart.

Through this website, I’ve made some awesome connections which have turned into lasting friendships. We can talk about Akina non-stop, most times the same topics over and over again, yet never tire or bore ourselves. And in between that, life happens, and we are there for one another too.

It is with that spirit, along with the keen anticipation for the new album, that I had in mind when working on the redesign of

I hope more connections can be made through Akina’s music. To visitors both old and new, a very warm welcome to the brand new site. Merry X’mas and a very Happy New Year to you all.

To Akina – Thank you for your talent and music that continues to touch our lives for so many years. We wish you great health, fulfilment, happiness, eternal light, peace and love.



Akina fanboy since 14. Still undecided which are his top ten favourite Akina tracks as it's mission impossible. Digs "Everlasting Love" a whole lot more than the average Akina fan.

One thought on “Website Revamp

  1. Thanks for continue VAMPing and reVAMPing. You have made being an Akina’s fan more fun than ever. Some of my childhood idols have gone too soon. When one of these idols passed away, it’s like part of my childhood has gone with them. I’m thankful for Akina to continue to lead the journey in this long road of our relationship with her. I’m glad of her massive collections of masterpiece works, which we can revisit and rediscover them. She has not stop pushing her music boundary and continued to explore with new sound and to adapt her singing style. Sometime, I wonder if she know how much her music means to us, her true fans. I think she does.

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