We’ve Got FIXER In Our Hands!

We managed to lay our hands on a copy of FIXER earlier than the official release date. And I’m trying very very hard to not hit “play.”

Call us silly but VAMP members will be self-imposing an embargo until the 30th which is the official release date. We’re going to have a FIXER LISTENING PARTY where we will all gather to listen to the album together for the first time. Woohoo!


Here are the tracks. So the information leak we received earlier about the album hiding a total of 15 minutes worth of “secret tracks” is accurate. “Rojo -Tierra-” and “unfixable” run at about 8 and 7 minutes respectively. I haven’t heard them myself, but apparently they are more like extended versions and not remixes. So we should manage our expectations.

We’ve also received early feedback that the DVD Video is er…. how can I put it nicely?… Let’s just say I may not watch it altogether so it wouldn’t ruin the lead-in title track (like what the music video for “Crazy Love” did to me, ugh).

Which brings me to my next point. OK, I lied. I couldn’t resist listening to ONE SONG. Just one. That is “FIXER -WHILE THE WOMEN ARE SLEEPING-”

HOLY SMOKES!!! OMG! WTF!? (trust me, I uttered more expletives of love when I heard it) What an amazing, glorious opener! Without giving too much away, I can say it’s easily the Top 3 album openers for me now and I suspect more than a few of us will have to update our lists. This is Akina like we haven’t heard before. Like how one of the VAMPires who has also heard it sums it up – It’s Akina’s version of Madonna’s “Ray Of Light.” And I find that description really apt.

It’s Akina’s whirlwind 3-minute Anthem of light. And I am so mega proud of her. I think you will too when you get to listen to it.

Only 1.5 more days. Hang in there!

Mega thanks to J for making this early gift possible.

Akina fanboy since 14. Still undecided which are his top ten favourite Akina tracks as it's mission impossible. Digs "Everlasting Love" a whole lot more than the average Akina fan.

2 thoughts on “We’ve Got FIXER In Our Hands!

  1. “FIXER -WHILE THE WOMEN ARE SLEEPING – is indeed OOTW!! I can’t believe that Akina can still surprise us like this with such an electronica track while she shuts herself away from this world in her apartment. I cant’ wait to listen to the rest of the album and Thanks to J as well for this wonderful present!!

  2. You’re most welcome. I cannot believe I’ve only heard the opening track this far. Not long till the 30th now.

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