欲動 Remix

After all is said and done and the initial headiness of “FIXER”, “Endless Life”, “Lotus” and “Re-birth” settles, the track which I find myself hitting repeat most often is none other than “欲動”.

It has this quality that sort of creates an itch which you can never quite scratch, resulting in an insatiable earworm not unlike how I feel when listening to FIXER WTWAS. The song is just too short and one can’t get enough of it.

So we’ve decided to tackle “欲動” and fix this so we can… er … get our fix! Haha. Djan and I are very pleased with how this turned out. Hope Akina gets to hear this some day.

I hope you’ll blast this and dance like no one is watching. Let that accordion fly.


Remix cover art:



Akina fanboy since 14. Still undecided which are his top ten favourite Akina tracks as it's mission impossible. Digs "Everlasting Love" a whole lot more than the average Akina fan.

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