Concerts, Goodies, Links, Major News, New Releases, Site News

2015年 歌姫復活! New Single (Rojo -Tierra-) + New cover album (歌姫4 –My Eggs Benedict-)

The COMEBACK of the UTAHIME (Akina Nakamori) in 2015! New Single (since 5 years ago – DIVA) and a new cover album from the series Utahime! New Single (Rojo -Tierra-) @ New release on 21 Jan 2015 New cover album (歌姫4 –My Eggs Benedict-) @ New release on 28 Jan 2015 1月21日(水)リリース予定 2009年「DIVA Single Version」以来5年4か月ぶりニューシングルリリースが決定!! 歌姫復活に相応しい、中森明菜にしか歌えないエキゾチック・エレクトロニック・ダンス・ミュージックが完成予定。 アフリカ風サウンドとEDMと生命を感じさせる歌声が融合し、明菜史上、類を見ない新しい作品が誕生します。 […]

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Concerts, Goodies, Major News, Music, New Releases

オールタイム・ベスト ‐オリジナル‐ 、 オールタイム・ベスト ‐歌姫(カヴァー)‐ 2014/8/6 発売!!

  Official Website :   2014/8/6 発売!! オールタイム・ベスト ‐オリジナル‐ (初回限定盤)(DVD付) [CD+DVD, Limited Edition] a)  NEW SONG :  “SWEET RAIN” (ボーナストラック) b)  DVD :  Live footage from LIVE 2000 !!! RARE!!! Please purchase here : AMAZON   オールタイム・ベスト ‐歌姫(カヴァー)‐ (初回限定盤)(DVD付) [CD+DVD, Limited Edition] a)  NEW COVER SONGS : 恋の奴隷 (ボーナストラック) , 男と女のお話 (ボーナストラック) b)  DVD :  SONGS (NHK) – 2009 […]

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Concerts, Goodies

“DIVA” Live at Countdown Show

Happy New Decade everyone!! So, the biggie in town is that Akina sang “DIVA” (and TWICE!!!) at the Countdown Show, even though she had earlier declined stubbornly to entertain the audience at the X’mas Show with that song saying it’s technically difficult to sing due to the many layerings of the track. well, well, what […]

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Concerts, Goodies, Music

恋 (Empress Live at Yokohama)

I looked forward to this track every night. Partly cos it was the 2nd last song (HAHA! All my orifices were bleeding by the 4th night, ok?) but also cos Akina delivered it as if she was telling a story, heartfelt words from deep within. There was a bit of yakking in the clip, but […]

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Concerts, Goodies, Music

Woman (Empress Live at Yokohama)

Here you go, guys. “Woman” was a special treat at the concert cos it’s not on either of her Folk albums (I’m quite sure it’s already been recorded, just not released. Folk Song Best, anyone?) There were nights where she totally aced it, but she didn’t on this one. Still, this should be a gem […]

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